Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Journey to the Teaching Profession

     The journey towards the teaching profession isn't a walk in the park for it's a roller coaster ride with its ups and downs at times you would want to get off the ride but at the end of the day you can't do so because of the thrill, the sense of adventure, the fun and the passion and love for growth. Teaching is a continuous ride just as learning never stops for it is a never ending process.

    The roller coaster ride of my cooperating teacher started when she was about to enter college and had to decide which course to take. She didn't plan on becoming a teacher, it was never a part of her career choices but her parents forced her into the profession because they are a family of teachers. She gave up her dream of becoming a certified doctor for her parents but as time grew she fell in love with the teaching profession. She studied hard to pass her license exam. Studied different theories and practices in education and eventually became a licensed teacher.

    I asked her once if she liked the teaching profession and if its too hard she answered with another question, and that is "what do you want me to say?" and then she laughed. She told me that teaching is laborious with all the paper works and having to deal with a bunch of diverse individuals is a lot to take in for the first few years in teaching but she ensured me that eventually I'll too grow fond of the teaching profession and consider it not just a responsibility but also a passion.

21st Century Teacher

      A 21st century teacher is someone that is flexible and can adapt to the growing changes of the society especially now that the students are digitally natives it is a must for the teacher to know how to use technology well in order to cater the needs and interests of the students. A 21st century teacher is also an innovator, someone who loves challenges and is not afraid of growth but rather embrace the changes happening and is creative and innovative enough to modify strategies, instructional materials and approaches in teaching in order to cater the diversity of students.

     One of the characteristics of a 21st century teacher is that they maximize the full potential of learners and push them beyond their limits. They aren't just confined in the academic aspect but also encourages multiple intelligence of the learners and uses them to capture their interests and convey the lesson in an effective and creative way.

     A 21st century teacher also focuses on students. They give priority to students and their experiences. Their classes are student centered wherein experiences are very important for the students and it's all about the students. Teachers also prepare students to be globally competitive and can excel in any field of endeavor.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Teaching as an Art

      When my field study teacher asked us to create a blog for our observations I immediately thought of pottery as my blog's theme because students for me, are mounds of plain clay to be shaped by the hands of teachers and molded by the spinning pottery wheel called experience. Aside from this, I consider teaching as an art for several reasons. One of them is that students are like blank canvases and teachers are brushes and paint that gives color to their lives.  

     At first, I thought teaching was the easiest course until I took up education and that thought slapped me in the face. Teaching is one of the hardest profession there is because it deals with diverse people who have different beliefs and personalities not to mention the responsibility of catering each need of unique students. That's why teachers need to be creative and innovative to convey the lesson in a way that would create an impact to their lives.

     My cooperating teacher never uses the same strategy or she alters parts of her approach to each of her classes because she teaches diverse students who have different cognitive levels. I admire her for her efforts, creativity and love for the teaching profession. She's an inspiration and my time observing her class was worthwhile.

My Classroom Teacher as a Model of Character

     What matters more, competence or character? This controversial question elicited several debates. But in reality, debates are unnecessary for they both matter especially in teaching. My cooperating teacher gives value to both competence and character. In a short span of time that I've observed my cooperating teacher I can already tell that she ensures that her students doesn't just master and understand the lesson but also help students to be a person of character by instilling values and good behavior.

     I was quite amazed every time her class starts because even without her reminding the students to clean the room and arrange the chairs, the students do it themselves and before and after class the make sure they pray and greet each other. Students are also very courteous. I remember my first time observing in her class, the students were very polite and kind.

     Discipline is also very important to my cooperating teacher. Whenever she sees students misbehaving or are becoming too rude, she corrects them constructively without embarrassing the student. My cooperating teacher is a great role model for she is a person of not just competence but especially character. She walks her talk. She's courteous and respectful not just to her superiors but also to students among others.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Educational System

        Chevalier School is one of the most eminent schools in Angeles City and fortunately for me, I'm able to observe in this school. Chevalier School follows the K-12 curriculum as implemented by the Commission on Higher Education or CHED. Its vision statement is: Chevalier School envisions to develop graduates who are God-loving and well-rounded persons with a heart for others, while its mission statement is of the following:

⦁    Design and implement a curriculum that aims towards total human development,  academic excellence and practical wisdom.
⦁    Inculcate Christian and moral values both in the academic and co-curricular activities and cultivate in the students, love of country.
⦁    Instill the values of love, unity, cooperation, discipleship, deep concern for and sensitivity to the needs of others.
⦁    Develop the God-given talents of the students and equip them with the necessary skills to face the challenges of time and their situations.

     As for its goal statement, guided by its vision and mission the institution aims to:
⦁    Develop a community of committed, consistent and disciplined persons which instills the value of service to God and humanity.
⦁    Foster a higher concept of citizenship, develops social awareness with proper judgment through righteous deeds, leadership and understanding of one’s moral responsibility to his fellowmen, community and country.
⦁    Strengthen the learning process by excellent instruction and enriching experiences for the formation of the students.

        One thing that also amazes me is that they have this huge screen just in front of the school that flashes the picture, the name of the student and if the student was already fetched by the parents or guardians. I like this part for it ensures the safety of the students. The current principal of the school is Mr. Ervin Taruc Sombillo. Societal responsibility, Christ centeredness and other core values can be seen in their vision, mission and goal statements which I think is a good thing.

"Here are the students with their uniforms at Chevalier School."

Elements of Teaching

     Chevalier school doesn't fall behind other private schools for they also have projectors in each classroom, their own speech laboratory, auditorium, altars inside the classroom, bulletin boards, and even board games such as chess litters the campus and among others. These show that CS provides ample materials and facilities for its students.

     For senior high, their classrooms are air conditioned and their desks and chairs are brand new while for junior high, even though their classrooms aren't air conditioned they have huge electric fans inside the classroom. This is to provide a conducive environment for learning.

     As for teachers specifically in the English department they are also enough for the population of the students and are equipped with different seminars, meetings and workshops provided by the school. Each class has an estimated number of 40 students or less and this is good because it gives each student the opportunity to be involved in student activities and so that classrooms aren't too crowded and in addition teachers can focus on students more if they are limited in number.

"Junior High Classrooms"


"Chevalier School Speech Laboratory"


Wong #3

     "Prevention is better than intervention," this was emphasized in Wong's video about discipline and procedures. I totally agree with this ideology because I also think that if rules and proper behavior were established at the very start than discipline wouldn't be an issue or problem inside the classroom.

     Establishing credibility as teachers play an important role in facilitating discipline inside the classroom for the value of respect is being emphasized. An effective teacher must have positive expectations for student learning and success. They are also able to manage  their  classrooms well through  procedures,  routines,  and  has a well-developed discipline plan. 

     Rewards and punishments are also part of discipline for discipline involves behavior and our goal as teachers is to elicit positive or good behavior from our students. These are designed to prevent or stop the misbehavior of students by setting and maintaining limitations or restrictions.

     Procedures on the other hand are designed to keep students preoccupied and focus on the tasks given to them and it promotes active student involvement. This is important and effective if established on the first day of school for it is the perfect time to teach, model and practice procedures and more importantly it promotes an environment more conducive to learning.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Wong # 2: The First Day of School

       Brand new bags, shoes, uniforms, freshly combed hair, an aroma of perfume and mischievous smiles litter the campus on the first day of school, a common scenario for everyone for it marks a new chapter not just in a students' life but it also paves way for teachers to establishes a connection between the students.

        Harry Wong emphasized that it's important to already establish classroom management at the very first second of the first day of school like the seating arrangement and the bell work that needs to be done within the day. Seating arrangements are important to avoid misbehaving students to become power rangers of destruction inside the classroom and in addition, the seating chart or plan helps with the checking of attendance, it's easier and convenient. The bell work according to Wong should be placed in the same area in the classroom so that it automatically becomes a habit for the students to do work immediately and it's less of a hassle to constantly remind the students to behave and work.

      The researches and ideas presented by Wong is truly a help for teachers, it serves as a guide to become effective teachers, we just have to "Own it" and implement it in our classroom not just for our convenience but most importantly for the learners. 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Educational Philosophy

    My resource teacher and I have the same educational philosophy and that is social reconstructionism. This can be seen in her teaching style for she includes social issues and incorporate societal responsibility in her lessons for example in her speech class she made the students talk about government issues particularly charter change to teach pronunciation. She even used an article about poverty as an example to teach compounding words. 

       In her classroom, the students are always given the opportunity to voice out their opinions and thoughts about certain issues and democracy inside the classroom is also being practiced. Cleanliness is also one aspect that is being emphasized in class, she doesn't start the class until the chairs are arranged and there are no trashes littered inside the classroom or else she'll demerit points or will make the class copy the entire lecture for the day.

       I admire her for incorporating social issues in her lessons and that is a big effort on her part especially if the lesson is all about grammar but I don't agree with using grades as punishment because for me grades should be about the result of an assessment and should be done for the purpose of knowing the weaknesses and strengths of a child and the basis for improvement but I guess grades for my cooperating teacher also serves as a form of discipline for proper behavior.

My Orientation Experience

        Holy Angel University has always been my cooperating school since I started my field study journey. It is only this semester that I was given the opportunity to experience observing in another school which is Chevalier School. I'm glad I was deployed in CS, at first I was nervous for its a new environment for me. The start of the orientation was quite delayed, prolonging the agony but when we were already welcomed and oriented by the administrators of the school I started to relax. 

        The orientation was well prepared for the power point was attractive and the speakers were very accommodating as well as funny for they cracked jokes now and then to break the tension. The faculty as well as the administrators with their positions were introduced to us. The rules and regulations of the school as well as the rules and regulations of field study were also tackled during the orientation. We were given the names of our corresponding cooperating teachers at the latter part of the orientation. 

        Orientations for me are very important especially if the school is unfamiliar. To be reminded of the rules needed to be followed as well as to set the expectations that will soon turn into experiences.

"Chevalier School"

Wong # 1: The Effective Teacher

         "Every single student comes to school every single day with an unlit candle, and it is their expectation that you and I light that candle." This statement from the video "The Effective Teacher" struck me the most because it manifests the responsibilities and the challenges teachers must face. Lighting a candle isn't easy, it requires an ample amount of patience, perseverance, passion and dedication to give what is due to the learners. 

          I have also learned that there are four stages of teaching and that includes the fantasy stage wherein students are expected to behave, follow the rules and seat like little angels willing to always learn. This is common for newbie teachers but as time passes survival mode kicks in wherein teachers drag themselves to school while rowdy students make chaos inside the classroom or in other scenarios, teachers ask students to open their books read, answer, class dismiss and repeat. All teachers go through this crucial stage but the brave and determined exceeds this and enter mastery where teaching is as simple as breathing and there is ease in doing what teachers love to do and that is to teach.

                 The video also tackled the three ways on how to be an effective teacher which includes being a good classroom manager, can design lessons to reach mastery and provide positive expectations that students will be successful when they put hard work to it. It made me realize that even though teaching isn't a piece of cake but the thought of contributing and touching the lives of the learners, is fulfilling itself. 

Journey to the Teaching Profession

     The journey towards the teaching profession isn't a walk in the park for it's a roller coaster ride with its ups and downs at ...